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About Us

We strive to deliver products and services that best represent our client’s needs.

Our history

The company was established in August 2020 to assist those affected by retrenchments as a result of Covid-19. Many skilled professionals lost their jobs and the South African unemployment rate was impacted at around 2.2 million (recorded at the time).

After a number discussions with in workshops and webinars within and outside of our network, we were received commitment to assist jobseekers not only find another job, but for most, a step in the right direction for their career path.

Upon placing our first job seeker news started spreading pretty fast and we were able to assist a few more clients, We knew that we could make a difference in the unemployment rate and LG Talent Consultants (Pty) LTD was launched.

Company Vision:

This model on which our company is based, is to have partners that we can assist in scaling their business over the traditional contingent staffing placement service. We also strive to find ways of bridging the gap from the Academic to Workforce transition, helping more graduates enter the working world.

Company Mission:

Understanding that every candidate and every client is unique, we use the latest tools in technology to understand a company’s recruitment position and a human centric approach to better assist the jobseeker in order to find a position that will always benefit them in their career path.

Contact US

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